Precision casting is a type of precision casting
作者:admin 發布日期:2023-05-09 22:14 瀏覽次數:
精密鑄造是一種精密鑄造,指的是獲得精準尺寸鑄件工藝的總稱。相對于傳統砂型鑄造工藝,精密鑄造獲的鑄件尺寸更加精準,表面光潔度更好。它包括:熔模鑄造、陶瓷型鑄造、金屬型Precision casting is a type of precision casting, which refers to the process of obtaining precise size castings. Compared to traditional sand casting processes, precision casting produces more accurate casting dimensions and better surface finish. It includes investment casting, ceramic casting, and metal casting
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